Sunday, 29 July 2012

Summer time fun...

What to do when the sun FINALLY shines? Get out in our camper van of course!

Lincolnshire campsite with a view!
 Ever the hunter gatherer, it wasnt before long before we happened across some antique goodies! So what to do next? Try them out of course...who needs a table when you have gorgeous old crates?

my vintage finds put to good use...

Now, I must let these little beauties go for someone else to enjoy...on sale now at Colette's Antique Boutique

Happy summer time! xxxx

Monday, 23 July 2012

Haul of the day....

Vintage linen haul bought today...what a way to spend a Monday!x

Thursday, 19 July 2012

What to do on a rainy Thursday night?

Create some more beautiful goodies of course..

Look at this new cake stand all ready and waiting to be sold from Colette's Antique swallow design (birds are so 2012 darling!) made from 1920's plates. Simply gorgeous.


Sunday, 15 July 2012


To the wonderful world of Colette's Antique Boutique.

A world in which I surround myself with the eclectic, vintage, and beautiful.

I believe that lovely things come in all shapes and sizes, and that sometimes they need just a little help to make them all the more beautiful.

Colette's Antique Boutique aims to bring that beautiful to YOU. Please enjoy.

                                                                         Colette x